Impl. Selective building
Release Alpine apk for ARM64v8 / compilation-arm64v8 (push) Failing after 2m8s Details

This commit is contained in:
ITmodulo 2024-02-06 23:12:38 +01:00
parent 9d170bbefe
commit e10e2a79de
1 changed files with 20 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ jobs:
run: apk -U upgrade
- name: Install needed tools
shell: sh
run: apk add bash git wget curl nodejs sshfs alpine-sdk abuild sudo
run: apk add bash git wget curl nodejs sshfs alpine-sdk abuild sudo pup
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up environment and users
@ -37,18 +37,32 @@ jobs:
su - runner -c 'wget -q -P ~/.abuild/'
echo "${{ secrets.REPO_PRIVKEY }}" > /home/runner/.abuild/${{ secrets.REPO_PRIVKEY_FILENAME }} && chown runner:runner /home/runner/.abuild/${{ secrets.REPO_PRIVKEY_FILENAME }}
su - runner -c "echo 'PACKAGER_PRIVKEY="/home/runner/.abuild/${{ secrets.REPO_PRIVKEY_FILENAME }}"' >> ~/.abuild/abuild.conf"
- name: Compile in sequence
run: |
mv srcpkgs /home/runner && chown -R runner:runner /home/runner/srcpkgs
su - runner -c 'export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"; cd srcpkgs/libsearpc; abuild -r'
- name: Determine packages to build
run: |
su - runner -c "curl --silent | pup 'a text{}' | grep \.apk > repo.txt"
su - runner -c "touch local.txt"
su - runner -c "cd srcpkgs && for i in ./* ; do printf "%s-%s-r%s.apk\n" "$(echo $i | cut -d '/' -f 2)" "$(cat $i/APKBUILD | grep pkgver | grep -v '\$' | cut -d '=' -f 2 )" "$(cat $i/APKBUILD | grep pkgrel | grep -v '\$' | cut -d '=' -f 2 )" >> ~/local.txt; done"
su - runner -c "grep -Fvxf repo.txt local.txt > missing.txt"
su - runner -c "sed -i -E 's/-[0-9a-z.]+-r[0-9]+\.apk//g' missing.txt"
su - runner -c "for i in $(cat missing.txt | tac ); do sed -i -E 's/'"${i}"-[0-9a-z.]+-r[0-9]+\.apk'//g' repo.txt; done;"
su - runner -c 'echo "WILL BUILD:"; cat missing.txt'
- name: Compile missing in sequence
run: |
su - runner -c 'export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"; cd "srcpkgs/$(head -n 1 missing.txt)"; abuild -r'
echo "/home/runner/packages/srcpkgs" >> /etc/apk/repositories
su - runner -c 'export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"; cd srcpkgs; for i in $(ls ./ | grep -v libsearpc); do cd $i && abuild -r; cd .. ; done'
su - runner -c 'export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"; cd srcpkgs; for i in $(tail -n +2 missing.txt); do cd $i && abuild -r; cd .. ; done'
- name: Mount and upload
run: |
su - runner -c 'mkdir hole'
echo "${{ secrets.REPO_LOGIN }}" > /home/runner/id_ecdsa && chown runner:runner /home/runner/id_ecdsa && chmod 600 /home/runner/id_ecdsa
su - runner -c 'sshfs -p "${{ secrets.LOGIN_PORT }}" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -o default_permissions,allow_other -o IdentityFile=/home/runner/id_ecdsa "${{ secrets.SERVER_LOGIN_AND_ADDRESS }}":"${{ secrets.SERVER_REPO_PATH }}" /home/runner/hole'
su - runner -c 'ls -lah /home/runner/hole/latest-stable/main/aarch64/'
su - runner -c 'mkdir toindex && mv ~/packages/srcpkgs/aarch64/*.apk ~/toindex/'
su - runner -c 'for i in $(cat repo.txt); do cp "hole/latest-stable/main/aarch64/$i" ~/toindex/'
su - runner -c 'apk index /home/runner/toindex/APKINDEX.tar.gz /home/runner/toindex/*.apk'
su - runner -c 'abuild-sign -k /home/runner/.abuild/${{ secrets.REPO_PRIVKEY_FILENAME }} /home/runner/toindex/APKINDEX.tar.gz'
su - runner -c 'rm -rf hole/latest-stable/main/aarch64/*'
su - runner -c 'cp packages/srcpkgs/aarch64/* hole/latest-stable/main/aarch64/'
su - runner -c 'cp toindex/* hole/latest-stable/main/aarch64/'
su - runner -c 'ls -lah /home/runner/hole/latest-stable/main/aarch64/'